When people talk about strippers, it is always to men. That is understandable because the industry is built around men and their sexual fantasies. For a long time, strip clubs were seen as seedy places that attracted women who were down on their luck and had no way of making money except by removing their clothes and dancing naked in front of depraved, sexually deviant men. That perception has changed and the industry has remodelled itself to be a more respectable, legit way for all kinds of women to be their own bosses and for all kinds of men to have a space where they can just chill with friends. As perceptions changed over the years the typical strip club customer also changed. These days, strip clubs not only attract male customers but there are a lot of women who come through either on their own or with their partners. Many women have found their visits to strip clubs insightful and educational. Here are some of the lessons that women can learn by visiting a strip club.
Add Spice to your relationship
Strip clubs sell a fantasy. The performers have an attractive attitude. As a woman, you can learn one or two things about what your man’s fantasy will look like. A lot of women find themselves strolling into strip clubs to enhance their sexual relationships. They provide inspiration and can help save Shockingly, many women decide to visit strip clubs Melbourne to enhance their relationships. Of course, the strip club performers spend a lot of time crafting their performances and honing their looks to perfection but most of them come as they are – imperfect like most women but they know how to harness their femininity and create an alluring personality that gets them lots of clients. You can learn to use what you have as a woman to get what you want from a man. Truth be told, most women in relationships could benefit from a Stripper 101 course to spice up their relationships.
Get dance moves
Exotic dancers can dance. In fact, a majority of strippers have had some dance training. It’s not all just natural talent. Unlike other dance forms, exotic dance is suggestive with lots of sensual movements that will turn any man on. It is in a woman’s best interest to learn some erotic dance moves. You can find a number of dance studios around Melbourne that can help you find a rhythm and pole dancing classes that take the performance to another level. Classes might be expensive but for the price of a $20 cover charge, some cocktails, and a seat as close to the stage, you can learn to observe how your sensual movements can drive men crazy. It may be useful for you to learn a few moves and keep your partner interested.
Keeping tabs on your man
If your man loves strip clubs, and he likes strip clubs Melbourne more than he does spending time with you. Consider tagging along with him. Bring your sense of humour otherwise you could be annoyed very quickly. When you go with your man, you can watch how he acts around other women. Do not let him see that other beautiful women talking to him bothers you. This display of self-confidence can be a turn-on.
Make it a bucket list item
Going to a strip club doesn’t have to be the one thing you want to do before you die but it could be a way of overcoming some insecurity, gaining confidence, finding peace in your relationship with men. You can have fun with it by joining the dancers on the floor. It helps get rid of social anxieties.