Learning about your child being accused of sexual misconduct at a college or university can be terrifying. You may be scared for your child’s future as you start thinking they won’t graduate from college and have a bad reputation later. Also, you may be worried about the possible criminal implications of the charges. Because of this, you may want to call a Title IX defense lawyer to know what steps you can take to try to save your child’s future. This attorney addresses these fears daily and when you contact them, you’re not the first to assume the worst potential ending. This is understandable because every parent wants to keep their child healthy, safe, and have a good future. The attorney will help prepare a defense to the accusations. Here’s what you should do after learning about the Title IX allegation your college student is facing:
Give Your Child Physical Support
As scared as you may be, your child should be terrified during this time. Regardless of how confident, resilient, and smart your child may be, they can fall apart as they go through the disciplinary process. So, you should try to be physically present during disciplinary hearings. Title IX cases can last for months; however, your child may do best if you give them physical support following the charge.
Hire a Lawyer as Soon as Possible
Find an advisor for your student who can give guidance and advice to them during the process. Look for a lawyer who represents college students involved in allegations of sexual misconduct under Title IX. Don’t ask for referrals from anyone since you should not disclose details regarding the case to other people who don’t have an attorney-client privilege.
Be Careful What to Ask Your Child
As a parent, you may want to ask your child what occurred. You are entitled to an explanation and your child may talk to you for support. Keep in mind, though, that your child is fragile and may fall apart when you barge or overwhelm them with too many questions right after the incident. Although you know your child best, you should allow your child to conserve their energy to talk with their attorney. And if you have to speak with them, ensure your child is not busy with schoolwork and has eaten and slept. And once you have hired an attorney, you should know when you must step back and let the expert handle your child’s case.